Eptinezumab is in clinical development for cluster headache. Cluster headaches are excruciating attacks of pain in one side of the head, often felt around the eye. The most common presentation the majority of patients with cluster headache have is the episodic form, in which attacks appear daily lasting for weeks or months, followed by a complete remission for months or years. Cluster headache comes on very quickly, often without warning. Some other symptoms include red or watering eye, drooping, or swelling of the eyelid, a smaller pupil, sweaty face and blocked or runny nose. Attacks usually last between 15 minutes and three hours. Some people may have multiple attacks a day, up to eight times in some cases. Prevention of episodic cluster headache has been challenged by the limited number of available medicinal products and the side effects associated with currently available ones.
Eptinezumab for cluster headache
Eptinezumab is in clinical development for cluster headache. Cluster headaches are excruciating attacks of pain in one side of the head, often felt around the eye.
Eptinezumab (ALD403)
Cluster headache
Therapeutic Areas: