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Which Factors may help increase covid 19 vaccine uptake in England 

Post Type: Report
Technology Category: Diagnostics
Year: 2021

In Oct/Nov 2020, prior to the availability of a vaccine, we conducted a survey on COVID-19 vaccine intention in adults living in England who either did not want or had not yet decided to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We asked the 1,660 participants “What might make it more likely that you, your family, or friends would have a coronavirus vaccine when one is ready?” Nine hundred & fourteen (55%) provided a usable response, 726 (44%) detailed at least one positive condition that would be supportive of having a vaccine. The most frequently detailed motivational factor was their confidence in a vaccine, principally, its safety and effectiveness. Other responses detailed their perceived personal and societal risk of the virus. A less frequent response was a desire to return to a more normal way of living. For a few, it would require mandating for them to be vaccinated. Many stated that their decision to have a vaccine would be informed through the provision of scientific evidence supportive of a vaccine. They were concerned that the development of COVID-19 vaccines was rushed and many did not want to be the first to receive one. With regards to those associated with the development and communication of a vaccine and immunisation programme, there was distrust in the Government and the pharmaceutical industry, though the NHS, personally known physicians, and scientists were highly trusted. It was stated by a few that the distrust could be overcome by seeing ministers being vaccinated. For some, the key factor was vaccine access and being able to receive it locally was critical. Analysis of tweets [social media posts] on Twitter from UK users between Nov 2020 and April 2021 by researchers at the NIHR Innovation Observatory, identified the same overarching themes on the subject of COVID-19 vaccines. Additionally they observed an upward trend in volume of tweets related to safety concerns in March 2021, that has continued into April. Notable new themes include: reduced adherence to social distancing guidelines; Astra Zeneca; blood clots; variants; herd immunity; and vaccine passports.