Dexmedetomidine film for agitation in schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental condition which can affect a person’s perception and interpretation of the world around them. Symptoms include hallucinations (hearing and seeing things), delusions (beliefs not based on reality) and agitation.

Interventions: Dexmedetomidine
Indications: Schizophrenia
Therapeutic Areas: Mental and Behavioural Health
Year: 2022

Schizophrenia is a severe long-term mental condition which can affect a person’s perception and
interpretation of the world around them. Symptoms include hallucinations (hearing and seeing
things), delusions (beliefs not based on reality) and agitation. It is not known what causes
schizophrenia, but it is likely a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It affects both
men and women equally, and symptoms most commonly develop during young adulthood.
Agitation is a disruptive, and related complication of many chronic mental illnesses, including
schizophrenia. Agitation is associated with poor clinical outcomes for patients with schizophrenia.
Dexmedetomidine oral film (sublingual) is in development for the treatment of agitation in
schizophrenia for adults.